Consolidated Security can conduct active shooter mitigation and planning utilizing employees with vast experience, training and knowledge of these events. These functions are always conducted under the direction of law enforcement trainers with literally years of experience in the subject matter, and even considered subject matter experts. Active shooter planning can be conducted along with our private security assessments to assure the mitigation of a mass casualty situation. Please call or email us for more information on these highly sought after trainings.

service testimonials

Some Kind Words From Our Customers

“100% Positive Feedback”

Thank you for agreeing to teach our employees about safety. Our feedback after your class was 100% positive, and many of them have said that we should require this training for all employees.

Barbara H – Real Estate Agent

“Answer to Our Prayers”

5 / 5

Consolidated Security and Investigations was the answer to our prayers! Troy and his crew worked with us until we were able to have them secure our premises at a cost we could afford. We have never had a security company work so hard for us.

Jimmy T – Apartment Regional Manager

“Learned so much “

5 / 5

Chief Harrison taught a class for concealed carry of handguns to my family. We learned so much and it truly made us feel more capable of protecting ourselves. He even allowed our teenage daughter who was not old enough to have a gun participate in the class, and she can’t wait to turn 21 now.

Robert C – Dad


5 / 5

Wow is all I can say. I have been a retail manager of a food store in the South Houston area and we finally found a security company we feel comfortable with. We don’t want to have to have security, but we are at least proud we found this incredible team. Dan S – Grocery Store Manager

Dan S – Grocery Store Manager

“Outstanding Work”

5 / 5

I am most impressed with the Consolidated Security Team. We have had difficulty finding someone to help us write our security and safety plan for our church, and Troy stepped right in and in a few short days we were in business and moving forward with way to keep or members and visitors safe.

Quention R – Clergy


5 / 5

Our private school reached out to a Houston Police Officer who had kids in our private school. That officer told us he would trust Troy Harrison with Consolidated Security before he would trust anyone else. We reached out to Troy and immediately loved him and his family. Before we knew it, we had all become friends and now we enjoy a professional relationship.

Brenda L – Private School Board Member

“We Feel Safer Now”

5 / 5

The bowling alley I bowl at asked me about hiring a security guard for our Friday and Saturday night midnight bowls. I reached out to friends and I heard about Consolidated Security, so I put the manager in touch with them. We now have off duty police officers watching over our events late at night, and we all feel safer now.

Tracy F – Parent


5 / 5

I run a trucking company and I was able to get Troy to meet with me and do a security check on our premises. He helped me realize some things that we needed to adjust to help us be safer.

Tim G – Trucking Company